Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Watershot for iPhone

I have always had a fascination with photography. Combined with my previous career as a SCUBA instructor, there was always a need to take underwater pictures. But I didn't have a fortune to spend on U/W cameras so I would buy the inexpensive point and shoot cameras and push them to their limits. After doing this since high school, I have ended up with a small collection of toys as seen above.
Yes there is a Minolta Weathermatic A 110 in that group. It was only rated to 15' but I took it down to 30'-45' on a regular basis and got good pictures for that era.
Then came the Canon AS-1 (Aqua Snappy) It was a great camera rated for 30', so of course when I went to Cozumel, It went with me on Palancar Wall to a depth of 85' several times. And survived.
The white camera was a Canon SureShot A1. I dont remember off the top of my head what it was rated to but it went to 60' on more than one occasion.
There was a long pause before my next ventur into U/W cameras. It brought me to the digital photography age. I purchased an Olympus D-360L with a whopping 1.3 megapixels of clarity, pretty high end for 1999. Paid nearly $300 dollars for that first digital camera to record my new born son growing up. 18 months later I found the exact same camera with an underwater housing on ebay for $100. I bought it for beach stuff and kayaking but never got around to taking it diving despite its 165' rating. It was just cool to have.
As I was preparing to go on a family vacation in 2012 I decided to buy a nice little Fujifilm XP50 with a 15' rating. It has been to the beach, kayaking and in the pool but so far thats all.
Then came the Watershot For iPhone This neet little housing is made by the same company that makes underwater housings for motion picture cameras. It was reasonably priced and came with its own app. Not to mention its rated to 165'.
So far I have taken it in the pool while my son is taking SCUBA lessons and while snorkling at the beach. Take a look below.

Now we are ready for our open water scuba dives. Come back again to see the pictures from the

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